01. Sultans of Swing
- BOSTON (VENUE ORPHEUM 1979-09-08) (B)
02. Wild West End
03. Down to the Waterline
03. Down to the Waterline
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Water of Love
03. Setting Me Up
04. Six Blade Knife
05. Southbound Again
06. Sultans of Swing
07. In the Gallery
08. Wild West End
09. Lions
01. Lady Writer
02. Single Handed Sailor
03. Water of Love
04. In the Gallery
05. Follow Me Home
06. News
07. What's the Matter with You Baby
08. Lions
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Walking in the Wild West End
11. Where Do You Think You're Going
12. Eastbound Train
13. Southbound Again
14. Angel of Mercy
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Once Upon a Time in the West
04. Lady Writer
05. Single Handed Sailor
06. Water of Love
07. In the Gallery
08. Follow Me Home
09. News
10. What's the Matter Baby?
11. Lions
12. Sultans of Swing
13. Wild West End
14. Where Do You Think You're Going?
15. Eastbound Train
16. Southbound Again
17. Angel of Mercy
01. Introduction
02. Down to the Waterline
03. Six Blade Knife
04. One Upon a Time in the West
05. Lady Writer
06. Single Handed Sailor
07. Water of Love
08. In the Gallery
09. Follow Me Home
10. News
11. What's the Matter Baby
12. Lions
13. Sultans of Swing # 1
14. Wild West End
15. Where Do You Think You're Going
16. Eastbound Train
17. Sultans of Swing # 2
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. In the Gallery
04. Water of Love
05. Eastbound Train
06. What's the Matter Baby
07. Lions
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Wild West End
10. Southbound Again
11. Eastbound Train
12. Southbound Again
13. Angel of Mercy
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Water of Love
04. In the Gallery
05. What's the Matter Baby?
06. Lions
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Wild West End
09. Eastbound Train
10. Southbound Again
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Eastbound Train
03. Southbound Again
04. Water of Love
05. What's the Matter with You Baby?
06. Lions
07. Six Blade Knife
08. Down to the Waterline
09. In the Gallery
10. Wild West End
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Once Upon a Time in the West
04. Lady Writer
05. Single Handed Sailor
06. Water of Love
07. In the Gallery
08. Follow Me Home
09. News
10. What's the Matter Baby
11. Lions
12. Sultans of Swing
13. Wild West End
14. Where Do You Thing You're Going?
15. Eastbound Train
16. Southbound Again
01. Water of Love
02. In the Gallery
03. News
04. What's the Matter Baby
05. Lions
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Wild West End
08. Where Do You Think You're Goin
09. Eastbound Train
10. Southbound Again
11. Down to the Waterline
12. Six Blade Knife
13. Once Upon a Time in the West
14. Lady Writer
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. News
03. Where Do You Think You're Going?
04. Communiqué
05. Lady Writer
06. Angel of Mercy
07. Portobello Belle
08. Single Handed Sailor
09. Follow Me Home
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Lady Writer
04. Once Upon a Time in the West
05. News
06. Bernadette
07. What's the Matter Baby
08. In My Car
09. Portobello Belle
10. Wild West End
11. In the Gallery
12. Lions
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Setting Me Up
03. Southbound Again
04. Where Do You Think You're Going?
05. Eastbound Train
06. Twisting by the Pool
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Solid Rock
04. Where Do You Think You're Going?
05. Les Boys
06. Sultans of Swing
01. Tunnel of Love
02. Romeo and Juliet
03. Skateaway
04. Expresso Love
05. Hand In Hand
06. Solid Rock
07. Les Boys
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Single Handed Sailor
07. Skateaway
08. Romeo and Juliet
09. In the Gallery
10. News
11. Sultans of Swing
12. Les Boys
13. Portobello Belle
14. Angel of Mercy
15. Tunnel of Love
16. Wild West End
17. Where Do You Think You're Going?
01. Single Handed Sailor
02. Skateaway
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. In the Gallery
05. News
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Les Boys
08. Portobello Belle
09. Angel of Mercy
10. Tunnel of Love
11. Wild West End
12. Where Do You Think You're Going?
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Single Handed Sailor
07. Skateaway
08. Romeo and Juliet
09. In the Gallery
10. News
11. Sultans of Swing
12. Portobello Belle
13. Angel of Mercy
14. Tunnel of Love
15. Wild West End
16. Where Do You Think You're Going?
Solid Rock
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Expresso Love
03. Down to the Waterline
04. Lions
05. Single Handed Sailor
06. Skateaway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. In the Gallery
09. News
10. Sultans of Swing
11. Portobello Belle
12. Angel of Mercy
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Wild West End
15. Where Do You Think You're Going?
16. Solid Rock
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Expresso Love
03. Down to the Waterline
04. Lions
05. Single Handed Sailor
06. Skateaway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. In the Gallery
09. News
10. Sultans of Swing
11. Intro Mark Speaking / Les Boys
12. Portobello Belle
13. Angel of Mercy
14. Tunnel of Love
15. Wild West End
16. Where Do You Think You're Going?
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Expresso Love
03. Down to the Waterline
04. Lions
05. Skateaway
06. Romeo and Juliet
07. In the Gallery
08. News
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Mark Knopfler Telling the Story About Les Boys
11. Improvisations by Alan Clark
12. Les Boys
13. Portobello Belle
14. Angel of Mercy
15. Intro Tunnel of Love
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Down to the Waterline
03. Lions
04. News
05. Sultans of Swing
06. Tunnel of Love
07. Solid Rock+
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Lady Writer
04. Sultans of Swing
05. Eastbound Train
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Skateaway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. News
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Portobello Belle
11. Angel of Mercy
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Telegraph Road
14. Where Do You Think You're Going?
15. Solid Rock
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Skateway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. News
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Portobello Belle; Angel of Mercy; Band Intro
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Telegraph Road
13. Crowd
14. Where Do You Think You're Going?
15. Solid Rock
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Skateaway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. News
09. Sultans of Swing # 1
10. Sultans of Swing # 2
11. Portobello Belle
12. Angel of Mercy
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Telegraph Road
15. Where Do You Think You're Going?
16. Solid Rock
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Expresso Love
04. Down to the Waterline
05. Lions
06. Skateaway
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. News
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Portobello Belle
11. Angel of Mercy
12. Carousel Waltz
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Where Do You Think You're Going?
15. Solid Rock
16. Telegraph Road
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Skate Away
03. News
04. Private Investigations
05. Angel of Mercy
06. Tunnel of Love
07. Down to the Waterline
01. Once Upon a Time
02. Skateaway
03. News
04. Private Investigations
05. Angel of Mercy
06. Tunnel of Love I
07. Tummel of Love II
08. Down to the Waterline
(Recorded Live at Cologne, Germany - February 17, 1979)
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Wild West End
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Down to the Waterline
03. Lions
04. News
05. Sultans of Swing (Fade In)
06. Tunnel of Love
07. Solid Rock
01. Twisting by the Pool
02. Two Young Lovers
03. If I Had You
04. Two Young Lovers (Live Version)
01. Telegraph Road
02. Private Investigations
03. Industrial Disease
04. Love Over Gold
05. It Never Rains
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Industrial Disease
03. Expresso Love
04. It Never Rains
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Twisting by the Pool
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Portobello Belle
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Telegraph Road
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Industrial Disease
03. Expresso Love
04. It Never Rains
05. Romeo & Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Knopfler Chat
10. Twisting by the Pool
11. Two Young Lovers
12. Portobello Belle
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Telegraph Road
15. Solid Rock
16. Going Home
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Industrial Disease
03. Expresso Love
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Love Over Gold
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Twisting by the Pool
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Portobello Belle
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Telegraph Road
13. Solid Rock
14. Going Home
01. Once Up a Time in the West
02. Industrial Disease
03. Expresso Love
04. Romeo & Juliet
05. Love Over Gold
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Twisting by the Pool
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Portobello Belle
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Telegraph Road
13. Solid Rock
14. Going Home
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. Industrial Disease
03. Expresso Love
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Love Over Gold
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Twisting by the Pool
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Portobello Belle
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Telegraph Road
13. Solid Rock
14. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Stargazer
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Industrial Disease
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Twisting by the Pool
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Portobello Belle
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Telegraph Road
14. Solid Rock
15. The Rocks and the Thunder
16. Going Home
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Industrial Disease
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Twisting by the Pool
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Portobello Belle
12. Carousel Waltz
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Telegraph Road
15. Solid Rock
16. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Industrial Disease
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Twisting by the Pool
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Portobello Belle
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Telegraph Road
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home (Local Hero)
Disc 1
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Industrial Disease
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
01. Twisting by the Pool
02. Two Young Lovers
03. Portobello Belle
04. Tunnel of Love
05. Telegraph Road
06. Solid Rock
07. Going Home
01. Intro
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Industrial Disease
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo & Juliet
06. Love Over Gold
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Twisting by the Pool
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Portobello Belle
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Solid Rock
14. Going Home
01. Twisting by the Pool
02. Badges, Posters, Stickers and T-Shirts (US Release
03. Two Young Lovers
04. If I Had You
01. Once Upon a Time in the West (Intro:
Stargazer" (Instrumental from the Local Hero Soundtrack)
02. Expresso Love (Includes outro to "Industrial
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. Love over Gold
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
01. Two Young Lovers
02. Tunnel of Love
03. Telegraph Road
04. Solid Rock
05. Going Home (Theme from 'Local Hero')
01. Brothers in Arms (Full Length Version)
02. Your Latest Trick
03. The Man's Too Strong
01. Walk of Life
02. Why Worry
03. Ride Across the River
01. So Far Away
02. Money for Nothing
03. Walk of Life
04. Your Latest Trick
05. Why Worry
06. Ride Across the River
07. The Man's Too Strong
08. One World
09. Brothers in Arms
01. Money for Nothing (Full Length Version)
02. One World
03. So Far Away
01. Intro
02. Ride Across the River
03. Expresso Love
04. So Far Away
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Why Worry
09. Walk of Life
10. Two Young Lovers
11. The Man’s Too Strong
12. Money for Nothing
13. Wild West End
14. Tunnel of Love
15. Brothers in Arms
16. Solid Rock
17. Mark Knopfler Saying Goodbye to the Audience
18. Going Home
01. So Far Away
02. Solid Rock
03. Money for Nothing
04. Expresso Love)
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Private Investigations
07. Walk of Life
08. Why Worry
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Man's Too Strong
11. Brothers in Arms
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. So Far Away
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Walk of Life
07. Two Young Lovers
08. Money for Nothing
09. Wild West End
10. Brothers in Arms
11. Solid Rock
12. Going Home
01. Ride Across the River
02. One World
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. Private Investigations
05. Why Worry
06. Walk of Life
07. Two Young Lovers
08. Money for Nothing
09. Tunnel of Love
10. Expresso Love
11. Solid Rock
12. Brothers in Arms
13. Going Home
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home
16. Interview with Mark Knopfler About the Brothers in
Arms Tour
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Intro Tunnel of Love
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Solid Rock
16. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Expresso Love
02. Sultans of Swing
03. Why Worry
04. Walk of Life
05. Two Young Lovers
06. Money for Nothing
07. Solid Rock
08. Tunnel of Love
01. Brothers in Arms
02. Ride Across the River
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Going Home
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World / Romeo & Juliet
04. Private Investigations
05. Sultans of Swing
06. Why Worry
07. Walk of Life
08. Two Young Lovers
09. Money for Nothing
10. Wild West End
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Brothers in Arms
13. Solid Rock
14. Going Home
01. J J Jackson Intro
02. So Far Away
03. Private Investigations
04. J J Jackson Intro
05. Money for Nothing
06. Walk of Life
07. Why Worry
08. J J Jackson Intro
09. The Man's Too Strong
10. Brothers in Arms
11. J J Jackson Intro
12. Guest Introduction by Mark Knopfler
13. Local Hero
14. J J Jackson Outro and Credits
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home
16. Wild West End
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Encore Break
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Solid Rock
16. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Why Worry
08. Walk of Life
09. Two Young Lovers
10. Money for Nothing
11. Wild West End
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
01. Intro
02. Ride Across the River
03. Expresso Love
04. One World
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Why Worry (Guest Player David Sanborn)
09. Walk of Life
10. Two Young Lovers (Guest Player Billy Joel)
01. Money for Nothing
02. Wild West End - Part One
03. Wild West End - Part Two
04. Tunnel of Love
05. Brothers in Arms
06. Solid Rock
07. Going Home (Local Hero)
01. Ride Across the River
02. Expresso Love
03. One World
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. Dallas Rag
08. Why Worry
09. Walk of Life
01. Introduction
02. Two Young Lovers (with Eric Clapton)
03. Cocaine (with Eric Clapton)
04. Money for Nothing
05. Wild West End
06. Tunnel of Love
07. Brothers in Arms
08. Solid Rock (with Eric Clapton)
09. Further On Up the Road (with Eric Clapton)
10. Going Home (with Hank Marvin)
01. Sultans of Swing (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia,
USA, 6th March 1979)
02. Eastbound Train (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA,
6th March 1979)
03. Southbound Again (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia,
USA, 6th March 1979)
04. Water of Love (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA,
6th March 1979)
05. What's the Matter Baby (Tower Theatre,
Philadelphia, USA, 6th March 1979)
06. Lions (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA, 6th March
07. Six Blade Knife (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA,
6th March 1979)
08. Down to the Waterline (Tower Theatre,
Philadelphia, USA, 6th March 1979)
09. In the Gallery (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA,
6th March 1979)
10. Wild West End (Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, USA,
6th March 1979)
01. Ride Across the River (Blossom Music Center,
Cleveland, USA, 5th August 1985)
02. One World (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, USA,
5th August 1985)
03. Romeo and Juliet (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,
USA, 5th August 1985)
04. Private Investigations (Blossom Music Center,
Cleveland, USA, 5th August 1985)
05. Why Worry (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland, USA,
5th August 1985)
06. Walk of Life (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,
USA, 5th August 1985)
07. Two Young Lovers (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,
USA, 5th August 1985)
01. Money for Nothing (Blossom Music Center,
Cleveland, USA, 5th August 1985)
02. Tunnel of Love (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,
USA, 5th August 1985)
03. Expresso Love (Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,
USA, 5th August 1985)
04. Solid Rock (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas, USA,
17th August 1985)
05. Brothers in Arms (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas,
USA, 17th August 1985)
06. Going Home (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas, USA,
17th August 1985)
01. Brothers in Arms (Short Version)
02. Going Home (Theme from 'Local Hero') (Live
03. Brothers in Arms (Full Length Version)
04. Why Worry (Instrumental Segment)
01. Intro
02. Interview with Mark and Ed
03. Ride Across the River
04. Expresso Love
05. Industrial Disease
06. So Far Away
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. Private Investigations
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Why Worry
11. Your Latest Trick
12. Walk of Life
13. Two Young Lovers
14. Money for Nothing
15. Tunnel of Love
16. Brothers in Arms
17. Solid Rock
18. Waltzing Mathilda
19. Speech from Mark Knopfler
20. Going Home (Local Hero)
21. Outro
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Down to the Waterline
03. Portobello Belle (Live)
04. Twisting by the Pool (Remix)
05. Tunnel of Love
06. Romeo and Juliet
07. Where Do You Think You're Going?
08. Walk of Life
09. Private Investigations
10. Telegraph Road (Live - Remix)
11. Money for Nothing
12. Brothers in Arms
01. Walk of Life
02. Sultans of Swing
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. Money for Nothing
05. Brothers in Arms
06. Wonderful Tonight
07. Solid Rock
01. Twisting by the Pool
02. Two Young Lovers
03. If I Had You
04. Two Young Lovers (Live Version)
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Portobello Belle (Live)
03. Romeo & Juliet
04. Money for Nothing
01. Calling Elvis
02. Iron Hand
03. Millionaire Blues
01. Heavy Fuel
02. Planet of New Orleans
01. Calling Elvis
02. On Every Street
03. When It Comes to You
04. Fade to Black
05. The Bug
06. You and Your Friend
07. Heavy Fuel
08. Iron Hand
09. Ticket to Heaven
10. My Parties
11. Planet of New Orleans
12. How Long
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. On Every Street
09. I Think I Love You Too Much
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Tunnel of Love
12. The Bug
13. Money for Nothing
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Solid Rock
01. So Far Away
02. Solid Rock
03. Money for Nothing
04. Expresso Love
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. Private Investigation
07. Walk of Life
08. Why Worry
09. Sultans of Swing
10. The Man's Too Strong
11. Brothers in Arms
01. Calling Elvis
02. The Bug
03. Walk of Life
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. Heavy Fuel
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. On Every Street
10. Iron Hand
11. Portobello Belle
12. I Think I Love You Too Much
13. Two Young Lovers
14. Telegraph Road
15. Setting Me Up
16. Money for Nothing
17. Brothers in Arms
18. Wild Theme
19. The Long Highway
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Romeo & Juliet
04. Heavy Fuel
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. Private Investigation
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. On Every Street
10. I Think I Love You Too Much
11. Two Young Lovers
12. Telegraph Road
13. Setting Me Up
14. Money for Nothing
15. Brothers in Arms
16. Why Worry
17. Tunnel of Love01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. On Every Street
09. Fade to Black
10. Setting Me Up
11. Two Young Lovers
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Money for Nothing
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Solid Rock
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. The Bug
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Iron Hand
10. On Every Street
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Money for Nothing
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
01. Heavy Fuel (Recording Starts in the Middle of This
02. Romeo and Juliet
03. Planet of New Orleans
04. The Bug
05. Private Investigations
06. Sultans of Swing
07. On Every Street
08. Two Young Lovers
09. Tunnel of Love
10. Crowd
11. Money for Nothing
12. Crowd
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo & Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. On Every Street
09. Money for Nothing
10. Tunnel of Love
11. Brothers in Arms
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Planet of New Orleans
04. Private Investigations
05. Sultans of Swing
06. On Every Street
07. You and Your Friend
08. Two Young Lovers
09. Telegraph Road
10. Money for Nothing
11. Brothers in Arms
12. Solid Rock
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. The Bug
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. On Every Street
10. Fade to Black
11. I Think I Love You Too Much
12. Two Young Lovers
13. Carousel Waltz
14. Tunnel of Love
15. Money for Nothing
16. Brothers in Arms
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Planet of New Orleans
06. The Bug
07. Private Investigations
08. Sultans of Swing
09. On Every Street
10. When it Comes to You
11. I Think I Love You Too Much
12. Two Young Lovers
13. Tunnel of Love
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Setting Me Up
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Iron hand
09. When it Comes to You
10. On Every Street
11. Two Young Lovers
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Money for Nothing
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Wild Theme
16. Solid Rock
17. Fireworks
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. When it Comes to You
10. On Every Street
11. Two Young Lovers
12. Telegraph Road
13. Intro Money for Nothing
14. Money for Nothing
15. Brothers in Arms
16. Solid Rock
17. Wild Theme
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Crowd
09. Your Latest Trick
10. When it Comes to You
11. On Every Street
12. Two Young Lovers
13. Telegraph Road
14. Crowd
15. Money for Nothing
16. Crowd
17. Brothers in Arms
18. Crowd
19. Solid Rock
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
01. On Every Street
02. Two Young Lovers
03. Telegraph Road (Cut)
04. Money for Nothing
05. Brothers in Arms
06. Solid Rock
07. Wild Theme
08. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. On Every Street
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Telegraph Road
12. Money for Nothing
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
01. On Every Street
02. Two Young Lovers
03. Telegraph Road
04. Money for Nothing
05. Brothers in Arms
06. Solid Rock
07. Wild Theme (Local Hero)
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Private Investigations
04. Sultans of Swing
05. Your Latest Trick
06. Money for Nothing
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. On Every Street
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Telegraph Road
12. Brothers in Arms
13. Solid Rock
14. Wild Theme
01. Two Young Lovers (Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK,
23rd July 1983)
02. Love Over Gold (Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK,
23rd July 1983)
03. Walk of Life (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas, USA,
17th August 1985)
04. Money for Nothing (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas,
USA, 17th August 1985)
05. Sultans of Swing (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas,
USA, 17th August 1985)
06. Why Worry (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas, USA,
17th August 1985)
07. Brothers in Arms (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas,
USA, 17th August 1985)
08. Solid Rock (Summit Theatre, Houston, Texas, USA,
17th August 1985)
01. Introduction
02. Down to the Waterline
03. Six Blade Knife
04. In the Gallery
05. Eastbound Train
06. Water of Love
07. Lions
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Wild West End
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Lions
01. Lions (London Greenwich Wood Wharf Rehearsels, 6th
September 1978)
02. Six Blade Knife (London Greenwich Wood Wharf
Rehearsels, 6th September 1978)
03. Down to the Waterline (London Greenwich Wood Wharf
Rehearsels, 6th September 1978)
04. Move it Away (London Greenwich Wood Wharf
Rehearsels, 6th September 1978)
05. Sultans of Swing (Birmingham Barbarella's, 4th
July 1978)
06. Real Girl (Birmingham Barbarella's, 4th July 1978)
07. Nadine (Birmingham Barbarella's, 4th July 1978)
08. Southbound Again (Birmingham Barbarella's, 4th
July 1978)
09. Down to the Waterline (Manchester BBC Session,
13th April 1978)
10. Water of Love (Manchester BBC Session, 13th April
11. Wild West End (Manchester BBC Session, 13th April
01. Follow Me Home (Pink Pop Festival, Geleen,
Holland, 4th June 1979)
02. Lady Writer (Pink Pop Festival, Geleen, Holland,
4th June 1979)
03. Wild West End (Pink Pop Festival, Geleen, Holland,
4th June 1979)
04. In the Gallery (Pink Pop Festival, Geleen,
Holland, 4th June 1979)
05. Down to the Waterline (Loreley Festival, Open Air
Venue at the River Rhein, Germany, 23rd June 1979)
06. Six Blade Knife (Loreley Festival, Open Air Venue
at the River Rhein, Germany, 23rd June 1979)
07. Once Upon a Time in the West (Loreley Festival,
Open Air Venue at the River Rhein, Germany, 23rd June 1979)
08. Wild West End (BBC Studios, London, UK, 1979)
09. Sultans of Swing (BBC Studios, London, UK, 1979)
10. Lions (BBC Studios, London, UK, 1979)
11. Sultans of Swing (BBC Revolver Show, London, UK,
01. Down to the Waterline (New York Central Park
During 1980)
02. Once Upon a Time in the West (New York Central
Park During 1980)
03. Lady Writer (New York Central Park During 1980)
04. Sultans of Swing (New York Central Park During
05. Eastbound Train (New York Central Park During
06. Tunnel of Love (BBC Old Grey Whistle Test on 29th
November 1980)
07. Les Boys (Los Angeles Roxy Theatre on 28th
November 1980)
08. Portobello Belle (Los Angeles Roxy Theatre on 28th
November 1980)
09. Making Movies (London Greenwich Rehearsels During
March 1980)
10. Twisting by the Pool (London Greenwich Rehearsels
During March 1980)
01. Intro (Vigorelli, Milan, June 29th 1981)
02. Once Upon a Time in the West (Vigorelli, Milan,
June 29th 1981)
03. Expresso Love (Carrara Stadio Comunale, July 1st
04. Down to the Waterline (Carrara Stadio Comunale,
July 1st 1981)
05. Lions (Carrara Stadio Comunale, July 1st 1981)
06. Skateaway (Torino Stadio Comunale, June 30th 1981)
07. Sultans of Swing (Bologna Antistadio, June 30th
08. Telegraph Road (Sanremo Stadio Comunale, June 27th
01. Calling Elvis
02. Heavy Fuel
03. Romeo And Juliet
04. Private Investigations
05. Sultans of Swing
06. On Every Street
07. Money for Nothing
08. Brothers in Arms
09. Solid Rock
(Recorded Live At BBC Studios, Feb 15-16, 1978 London)
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Water of Love
03. Wild West End
04. Lions
(Recorded Live at Capitol Theater, March 6, 1979,
Philadelphia, PA)
05. Six Blade Knife
06. Lady Writer
07. Where Do You Think You're Going
08. News
09. What's the Matter
10. Southbound
(Recorded Live in San Francisco During 1980 USA Tour)
11. Eastbound Train
(Recorded Live in London at Prince's Trust Rock Gala
During 1983 Tour)
12. Once Upon a Time in the West
(Recorded Live in Houston, TX During 1985 World Tour)
13. Espresso Love
14. Tunnel of Love
(Recorded Live in San Antonio, TX During 1985 World
15. One World
(Recorded Live in San Antonio, TX During 1985 World
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Ride Across the River
(Recorded Live at Wembley Arena, London, UK, July 7,
03. So Far Away
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigation
06. Man's Too Strong
07. Brothers in Arms
(Recorded Live at Prince's Trust Rock Gala, London)
08. Money for Nothing (with Elton John, Brian May,
Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, etc)
(Recorded Live at Wembley Arena, London, UK, July 11,
09. Walk of Life
10. Wonderful Tonight
11. Solid Rock (with Eric Clapton)
(Recorded Live in Houston, TX During 1985 World Tour)
01. Two Young Lovers
(Recorded Live in London, UK During 1983 European Tour)
02. Lover Over Gold
03. Goin' Home
(Recorded Live at Wembley Arena, London, UK, July 7,
04. Why Worry
(Recorded Live at the Country Club, London, 1990)
05. Set Me Free
06. That's Alright Mama
07. Your Own Sweet Away
08. Run Me Down
09. Hobo's Lullaby
10. I Think I Love You Too Much
11. Roll, Roll, Roll
12. Feel like Going Home
(Recorded Live at Wembley Arena, 1988 - with Eric
13. Money for Nothing
(Recorded Live in Basel, Switzerland, June 28, 1992)
14. Brothers in Arms
15. Solid Rock
(Recorded Live in Basel, Switzerland, June 28, 1992)
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigation
07. Your Latest Trick
08. On Every Street
09. Telegraph Road
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo & Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigation
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. On Every Street
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Telegraph Road
12. Money for Nothing
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Going Home
01. On Every Street
02. Private Investigations
03. Sultans of Swing
04. Romeo & Juliet
01. The Bug
02. Twisting by the Pool
03. Expresso Love
04. Walk of Life
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. The Bug
06. Private Investigations
07. Sultans of Swing
08. Your Latest Trick
09. On Every Street
10. Two Young Lovers
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Money for Nothing
13. Brothers in Arms
14. Solid Rock
15. Wild Theme
01. Learning the Game (Mark Knopfler & Waylon
02. Two Young Lovers (Dire Straits)
03. Iron Hand (Dire Straits)
04. Wild Theme (Dire Straits)
05. Long Highway (Dire Straits)
06. I'll See You In My Dreams (Mark Knopfler)
07. Imagine (Mark Knopfler)
08. This Was My Love (Bob Dylan)
09. When It Comes to You (The Notting Hillbillies)
10. Tennessee Blues (The Notting Hillbillies)
11. Feel like Going Home (The Notting Hillbillies)
12. That's Where I Belong (The Notting Hillbillies)
13. Blues Stay Away from Me (The Notting Hillbillies)
14. Eastbound Train (Dire Straits)
15. Lily of the West (Mark Knopfler and The Chieftains)
16. Wonderful Land (Mark Knopfler, Hank Marvin and Jeff
17. The Bug (Dire Straits)
18. Heavy Fuel (Dire Straits)
19. On Every Street (Dire Straits)
20. All Along the Watch Tower (Bob Dylan)
01. You and Your Friend
02. Ticket to Heaven
03. Badges, Posters, Stickers, T-Shirts
01. Your Latest Trick
02. The Bug
03. Solid Rock
04. Local Hero - Wild Theme
01. Calling Elvis
02. Walk of Life
03. Heavy Fuel
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Private Investigations
06. Your Latest Trick
07. On Every Street
08. You and Your Friend
09. Money for Nothing
10. Brothers in Arms
01. Ticket to Heaven
02. Walk of Life
03. Joy
04. A Fistful of Ice Cream
01. Where Do You Think You're Going
02. Your Latest Trick
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. Private Investigations
05. You and Your Friend
06. Once Upon a Time in the West
07. Telegraph Road
08. Brothers in Arms
09. In the Gallery
10. Ticket to Heaven
11. Why Worry
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Lady Writer
04. Once Upon a Time in the West
05. News
06. Bernadette
07. What's The Matter Baby?
08. In My Car
09. Portobello Belle
10. Wild West End
11. In the Gallery
12. Lions
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Setting Me Up
03. Southbound Again
04. Where Do You Think You're Going?
05. Eastbound Train
06. Twisting by the Pool
01. Down to the Waterline (1978)
02. Six Blade Knife (1978)
03. Water of Love (1978)
04. Wild West End (1978)
05. Sultans of Swing (1978)
06. Lions (1978)
07. What's The Matter Baby? (1978)
08. Tunnel of Love (Intro: "Carousel Waltz") (1981)
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. News
03. Where Do You Think You're Going?
04. Communique
05. Lady Writer
06. Angel of Mercy
07. Portobello Belle
08. Single Handed Sailor
09. Follow Me Home
01. Tunnel of Love
02. Romeo and Juliet
03. Skateaway
04. Expresso Love
05. Hand in Hand
06. Solid Rock
07. Les Boys
01. So Far Away
02. Money for Nothing
03. Walk of Life
04. Your Latest Trick
05. Why Worry
06. Ride Across the River
07. The Man's Too Strong
08. One World
09. Brothers in Arms
01. Calling Elvis
02. On Every Street
03. When It Comes to You
04. Fade to Black
05. The Bug
06. You and Your Friend
07. Heavy Fuel
08. Iron Hand
09. Ticket to Heaven
10. My Parties
11. Planet of New Orleans
12. How Long
01. So Far Away
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Sultans of Swing
04. Lady Writer
05. Walk of Life
06. Romeo and Juliet
07. Calling Elvis
08. Private Investigations
09. Money for Nothing
10. Heavy Fuel
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Your Latest Trick
13. Brothers in Arms
01. Walk of Life
02. Sultans of Swing
03. Calling Elvis
04. Single Handed Sailor
05. Money for Nothing
06. Down to the Waterline
07. Lady Writer
08. Brothers in Arms
09. When It Comes to You
10. In the Gallery
11. Love Over Gold
12. Tunnel of Love
01. Sultans of Swing (from Dire Straits, 1978)
02. Lady Writer (from Communique, 1979)
03. Romeo and Juliet (from Making Movies, 1980)
04. Tunnel of Love (from Making Movies, 1980)
05. Private Investigations (from Love over Gold, 1982)
06. Twisting by the Pool (from Extended Dance, 1983)
07. Love over Gold (live, from Alchemy: Dire Straits
Live, 1984)
08. So Far Away (from Brothers in Arms, 1985)
09. Money for Nothing (from Brothers in Arms, 1985)
Single Edit
10. Brothers in Arms (from Brothers in Arms, 1985)
11. Walk of Life (from Brothers in Arms, 1985)
12. Calling Elvis (from On Every Street, 1991)
13. Heavy Fuel (from On Every Street, 1991)
14. On Every Street (from On Every Street, 1991)
15. Your Latest Trick (Live, from On the Night)
16. Local Hero / Wild Theme (Live, from On the Night,
DVD version)
01. Calling Elvis (Live)
02. Walk of Life (Live)
03. Last Exit to Brooklyn (Live)
04. Romeo and Juliet (Live)
05. Sultans of Swing (Live)
06. Brothers in Arms (Live)
07. Money for Nothing (Live)
01. Your Latest Trick
02. You and Your Friend
03. Romeo and Juliet
04. Once Upon a Time in the West
05. Where Do You Think You're Going?
06. Private Investigations
07. Telegraph Road
08. Love Over Gold (Live)
09. Why Warry
10. Brothers in Arms
11. On Every Street
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Water of Love
03. Setting Me Up
04. Six Blade Knife
05. Southbound Again
06. Sultans of Swing
07. In the Gallery
08. Wild West End
09. Lions
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. News
03. Where Do You Think You're Going
04. Communique
05. Lady Writer
06. Angel of Mercy
07. Portobello Belle
08. Single-Handed Sailor
09. Follow Me Home
01. Tunnel of Love
02. Romeo and Juliet
03. Skateaway
04. Expresso Love
05. Hand in Hand
06. Solid Rock
07. Les Boys
01. Telegraph Road
02. Private Investigations
03. Industrial Disease
04. Love Over Gold
05. It Never Rains
01. So Far Away
02. Money for Nothing
03. Walk of Life
04. Your Latest Trick
05. Why Worry
06. Ride Across the River
07. The Man's Too Strong
08. One World
09. Brothers in Arms
01. Calling Elvis
02. On Every Street
03. When It Comes to You
04. Fade to Black
05. The Bug
06. You and Your Friend
07. Heavy Fuel
08. Iron Hand
09. Ticket to Heaven
10. My Parties
11. Planet of New Orleans
12. How Long
Disc 1
01. So Far Away
02. Money for Nothing
03. Walk of Life
04. Your Latest Trick
05. Why Worry
06. Ride Across the River
07. The Man's Too Strong
08. One World
09. Brothers
10. Water of Love
11. Scitting Me Up
12. Six Blade Knife
13. Southbound Again
Disc 2
01. Sultans of Swing
03. Portobello Belle (Live)
04. Twisting by the Pool
05. Tunel of Love
06. Romeo and Juliet
07. Where Do You Think You're going (Rare Version)
08. Walk of Love
09. Private Investigations
10. Telegraph Road (Live)
11. In the Gallery
12. Wild West End
13. Lions
01. The Bug
02. Walk of Life
03. Fade to Black
04. Sultans of Swing
05. Iron Hand
06. Your Latest Trick
07. Money for Nothing
08. You and Your Friends
09. Once Upon a Time in the West
10. So Far Away
11. Brothers in Arms
12. Ticket to Heaven
13. Romeo and Juliet
14. On Every Street
15. Calling Elvis
01. Dire Straits & Jamiroquay - Calling Elvis
(Mazza Dj Extend)
02. Dire Straits & Jamiroquay - Calling Elvis
(Mazza Dj Radio)
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. In the Gallery
04. Eastbound Train
05. Water of Love
06. Portobello Belle
07. Wild West End
08. Lions
09. What's the Matter Baby
10. Me and My Friends
11. Sultans of Swing
12. Real Girl
13. Nadine
14. Southbound Again
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Calling Elvis
03. Walk of Life
04. Brothers in Arms
05. Money for Nothing
06. Heavy Fuel
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. Why Worry
09. Private Investigations
10. On Every Street
11. So Far Away
12. Setting Me Up
13. Lady Writer
14. Love Over Gold (Live)
15. Classic Instrumental (Live)
16. Your Latest Trick (Live)
01. Kingdom Come (Recorded 1991 at the Air Studios,
02. If I Had You (Recorded in 1982 at the Jam Studios,
03. Eastbound Train (Recorded in 1978 at the Basing
Street Studios, London)
04. Millionaire Blues (Recorded 1991 at the Air
Studios, London)
05. What’s the Matter Baby (Recorded in 1978 at the
Basing Street Studios, London)
06. Secondary Waltz (Recorded in 1995 in London)
07. Me and My Friend (Recorded in 1978 at the Basing
Street Studios, London)
08. Long Highway (Recorded 1991 at the Air Studios,
09. Two Young Lovers (Recorded in 1982 at the Jam
Studios, London)
10. Badges (Recorded in 1982 at the Power Station, New
11. I Think I Love You Too Much (Recorded live in 1990
at Knebworth)
12. Wonderful Tonight (with Eric Clapton) (Recorded
Live in 1988 at the Nelson Mandela Tribute Concert)
01. Telegraph Road
02. Sultans of Swing
03. Love Over Gold
04. Romeo and Juliet
05. Tunnel of Love (intro The Carousel Waltz)
06. Private Investigations
07. So Far Away
08. Money for Nothing
09. Brothers in Arms
10. Walk of Life
11. Your Latest Trick
01. Calling Elvis
02. On Every Street
03. Going Home (Theme from Local Hero)
04. Darling Pretty
05. The Long Road (Theme from Cal)
06. Why Aye Man
07. Sailing to Philadelphia
08. What It Is
09. The Trawlerman's Song
10. Boom like That
11. All the Roadrunning
01. Sultans of Swing
02. Love Over Gold
03. Romeo & Juliet
04. Tunnel of Love
05. Private Investigations
06. Money for Nothing
07. Brothers in Arms
08. Walk of Life
09. On Every Street
10. Going Home (Theme from The Local Hero)
11. Why Aye Man
12. Boom, like That
13. What It Is
14. All the Roadrunning (Duet with Emmylou Harris)
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Six Blade Knife
03. Once Upon a Time in the West
04. Lady Writer
05. Water of Love
06. In the Gallery
07. What's a Matter with You Baby?
08. Lions
09. Sultans of Swing
10. Wild West End
11. Eastbound Train
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Once Upon a Time in the West
03. Solid Rock
04. Where Do You Think You're Going?
05. Les Boys
06. Sultans of Swing
01. Southbound Again
02. Eastbound Train
03. Down to the Waterline
04. In the Gallery
05. Water of Love
06. Setting Me Up
07. Me and My Friends
08. Real Girl
09. Sultans of Swing
01. Six Blade Knife
02. Where Do You Think You're Going
03. Sultans of Swing
04. Brothers in Arms
05. Money for Nothing (Intro)
06. Money for Nothing
07. Your Latest Trick
08. One World
09. Heavy Fuel
10. When It Comes To You
11. On Every Street
12. Calling Elvis
13. Fade to Black
14. You and Your Friend
Notting Hillbillies Set
01. Calling Elvis
02. Run Me Down
03. Quality Shoe
04. Setting Me Up
Straits Set
05. Walk of Life
06. What It Is
07. Romeo and Juliet
08. Sultans of Swing
09. Oe Oe
10. Your Latest Trick
11. Why Aye Man
12. Money for Nothing
13. Going Home
01. Down to the Waterline
02. Water of Love
03. Setting Me Up
04. Six Blade Knife
05. Southbound Again
06. Sultans of Swing
07. In the Gallery
08. Wild West End
09. Lions
01. Once Upon a Time in the West
02. News
03. Where Do You Think You're Going
04. Communique
05. Lady Writer
06. Angel of Mercy
07. Portobello Belle
08. Single-Handed Sailor
09. Follow Me Home
01. Tunnel of Love
02. Romeo and Juliet
03. Skateaway
04. Expresso Love
05. Hand In Hand
06. Solid Rock
07. Les Boys
01. Telegraph Road
02. Private Investigations
03. Industrial Disease
04. Love Over Gold
05. It Never Rains
01. So Far Away
02. Money for Nothing
03. Walk of Life
04. Your Latest Trick
05. Why Worry
06. Ride Across the River
07. The Man's Too Strong
08. One World
09. Brothers in Arms
UPDATED 2023-02-03